Our School Improvement Offer
The EPT’s School Improvement Offer is broken down into 7 key areas of work:
- Curriculum
- Inclusion & Safeguarding
- Behaviour & Engagement
- Teaching & Learning
- Continuing Professional Development
- Collaboration
- Self-Evaluation & Improvement Planning
- Access to subject specialist curriculum thinking experts to shape and guide what an effective curriculum looks like for your school
- Support to develop standardised frameworks for ensuring high quality curriculum thinking documentation, ensuring there is a consistent and common curriculum language across all Trust schools
- Access to a growing library of curriculum documentation to access from across the Trust to shape and inspire the curriculum in your school.
- Cross Trust summative assessment systems for schools to benchmark with other schools and share good practice
- Quality review visits, including expert reviews of early reading and EYFS
Inclusion & Safeguarding
- Safeguarding Quality Improvement Group led by the Trust safeguarding lead
- Annual safeguarding audits to ensure safeguarding remains effective
- Specialist SEND provision within the Trust to support and develop inclusion across all schools
- NASEN accredited reviews to shape provision
- Support from experienced SENDCOs to innovate and adapt your provision to meet the needs of all pupils
- Extensive access to the expertise from our special and alternative provision schools
- Trust SENCO Quality Improvement Group providing strategic and operational support to school SENDCOs
Behaviour & Engagement
- Trust level monitoring and support to improve attendance across schools
- Expert reviews of culture, systems, and processes
- Cross Trust attendance systems for schools to benchmark with other schools and share good practice
- Extensive access to the expertise from our alternative provision schools
- Support in developing a school’s behaviour curriculum appropriate to their context and values
Teaching & Learning
- Detailed and sequential curriculum planning to support effective teaching
- Regular quality assurance by experienced practitioners to assess the impact of the curriculum and intelligent next steps
- Extensive access to subject specific CPD to develop subject specific pedagogy
- Subject quality improvement groups to share best practice and develop the quality of teaching across Trust schools
Continuing Professional Development
- Subject specific professional development
- Access experienced leaders with current inspection training and experience
- School specific CPD and support
- Trust wide collaborative CPD, with the opportunity to meet and work with staff from different settings
- Access to funded educational leadership qualifications
- Headteacher working parties
- Core Subject Moderation Groups
- Quality Improvement Group: CEIAG
- Reading & Writing
- PE
- Outdoor Education
Self-Evaluation & Improvement Planning
- Support to ensure school self-evaluation is evidence informed, accurate and identifies the most impactful priorities to improve education for our young people
- A systematic approach to priority planning that is proven to deliver the required change
- A tried and tested approach to creating inspection ready documentation so that schools can focus on implementing change
- Access to a quality assured network of school improvement partners
- Access to leaders with up-to-date inspection training and experience